I want to become a blogger

I want to become a blogger – Take these immediate steps after you start a blog

I want to become a blogger is a statement many beginner bloggers make before they start a blog. If you’re unfamiliar with this entire “blogging” thing, you are likely to have many questions.

How do you write blog posts? How can I market my blog and increase my readership? How do I earn money?

Let’s slow it down to a degree. I know you’re thrilled, but there are some issues you should be aware of before you begin to publish blog posts and advertise your blog in a mad rush.

Here’s a list of things you must start immediately following the launch of your blog: After following these steps, you can now boldly make the statement: I want to become a blogger

Table of Contents

By default, WordPress automatically gives your links the “date + post name” structure. Therefore, your links are likely to look like this:


It can cause your URLs to appear too long and unappealing, therefore what you should make instead is to change the structure of the permalink so that it shows only the name of the post. Yoast discusses how to create the best WordPress SEO structure for permalinks. You may need to read the guide to boldly say: I want to become a blogger, or ask yourself “What does it take to become a blogger?”

It is done by going to settings > permalinks, clicking on the circle beside “post name” and clicking save. Then the link will appear as follows:


A lot cleaner, isn’t it? Also, it will look nicer when you publish your hyperlinks.

2. Create Your About and Contact Pages

What does it take to become a blogger and help your visitors learn more about your company, or reach you in case they require something, it is essential to include an About page as well as a contact page.

The process of creating these pages is simple to boldly tell someone I want to become a blogger. Just go to Pages > Add New in WordPress.

Your About Page should contain details about you (if it’s an individual blog) or your business (if you’re using a blog to promote your company). If you’re unsure of what to include, take a look at the content of other bloggers on their blogs. You’ll likely come across a great structure to take as a template to create your own “About page”.

To create your contact form, I recommend installing a plugin named “WP Forms Lite.” The plugin will take care of all the hassle by creating a stunning Contact Form that can be embedded anywhere on your site using the shortcode it offers.

When you have the shortcode, copy and paste it directly onto a new webpage Your contact forms will pop up, and follow the steps to becoming a blogger.

3. Create a Google Analytics Account

Create a Google Analytics Account to confirm your statement: I want to become a blogger. Google Analytics will be the tool that you utilize to track the entirety of your site’s information from pages viewed to audience data up to acquisition information.

The information might not be of use to your business right now but you’ll require this information in the future in order to optimize your posts and pages and to better understand your visitors.

Is Google Analytics free?

Yes, it’s true! You can set up a Google Analytics account using your Gmail and begin tracking the traffic to your blog immediately. You can ask yourself: What does it take to be a blogger?

Google Analytics Signup

Once you’ve signed up to join, you’ll be provided with after signing up, you’ll be given a tracking code that you can embed into your site. I would suggest following this guideline to ensure you can ensure that Google Analytics doesn’t track your own page’s page views since this could alter the data from your analytics.

4. Create a Google Search Console Account

Google Search Console can be described as a tool you’ll use to keep track of how Google evaluates your site.

Once you’ve connected, you’ll be able to index your website on Google’s Search Engine and after that, Google will be in a position to crawl your website and display them on the search engines. If you don’t have an index for your website, however, your blog will eventually be discovered, but this makes it more efficient because you’re manually submitting your website to Google rather than waiting on Google to discover your site.

By using Google Search Console, you can also see what keywords people are looking for in order to find your blog. It’ll show what keywords you’re ranking on, in what place you’re in as well as the number of clicks and views your pages are receiving from Google.

Because Google is considered to be the world’s top web search engine, it’s easy to be sure that they are aware of how to do their job when it helps you perform great on your website. The information provided by this tool will help you boost the amount of organic traffic you get. There are many steps to follow to know how to start a blog without money and boldly say: I want to become a blogger.

Google Search Console Signup

Read Also: How to Use Google Search Console in 2022

5. Submit a Sitemap to Google Search Console

Sitemaps are documented that contain all the URLs for your site. If you upload this page web sitemap to Google Search Console, Google will be able to index all the URLs on your website and show them on their search engine.

If your blog posts aren’t properly indexed then nobody can find your posts on Google.

You can upload your Sitemap for submission to Google Search Console by logging into the console and then going to crawl > sitemaps, Add/Test Sitemap. Your Sitemap is usually located in www.your-domain.com/sitemap.xml so use that as your sitemap link.

In case you do not have an existing sitemap yet, you can download Yoast SEO. Yoast SEO plugin and it will create an appropriate one. The Yoast SEO plugin will be explained in more detail. SEO later.

If you’re unsure of how to install and locate plugins, you cannot fully tell yourself “I want to become a blogger”, these are some of the knowledge you will need to know if you will take steps on how to start a blog.

6. Make Your Site More Secure

The last thing you’d like to happen in your blog journey is to be attacked and lose everything. Making your website more secure can help reduce the chance of this occurring and take steps on how to start a blog again.

It is possible to increase your website’s protection by installing the WordFence plugin. You can locate it under the Plugins section > Add New, and then look for it in your search box.

Once it’s installed, it’ll turn on a firewall that will block all kinds of attacks. It will be alerted when something dangerous or suspicious is taking place on your site. These are some real steps blogging to take if I want to become a blogger.

Also Read: Ways to Secure Your WordPress Website

7. Set Up Automatic Backups

If you are hacked, or something bad occurs to your website when you’re working to fix it, it’s recommended to have a backup that is recent that you can restore to.

Automated backups can be scheduled by using a plugin called “BackupWordPress.” This plugin lets you set specific timeframes to back up your database and website files. It is possible to download the backup files at any time you wish so that you will keep a backup on your personal computer.

Read also: Blogging For Beginners: Tips For Blogging For Beginners

8. Add Optin Forms to Collect Subscribers

You should begin creating your mailing list immediately to be able to send them emails whenever you publish new content or get in touch with them.

Your mailing list could in the future become one of your top sources of ongoing traffic, so don’t overlook this important step!

I always suggest bloggers who are new to blogging sign up with MailChimp because it’s free, and it’s also a very well-known email automation tool.

Create an account below here.

MailChimp Signup

After signing up with MailChimp and registering for an extension plugin for connecting MailChimp to your website.

I would recommend the plugin “MailChimp Forms By Optin Cat.” The free version lets you design stunning popups as well as sidebar forms to put on your website.

9. Install a Social Sharing Plugin

In order to make it easier for other people to share your blog posts, You’ll need to install a social sharing plugin that will include social media buttons on every post. Your readers can share your posts with the touch of a button instead of having to go through the hassle of copying your hyperlinks.

I am a huge fan of Social Warfare Pro because the buttons look stunning and it provides me with a shares counter on every post to inform my readers of the number of times that my articles are shared. This helps my blog gain credibility. It’s also cheap at $29.95 annually. There’s also a no-cost version that’s also useful. I learned all these things when I want to become a blogger

10. Learn About SEO – I Want to Become a Blogger

SEO is a short form in the sense of search engine Optimization and is the factor that determines how your content will rank within search engines.

It’s something you’ll need to understand before you begin writing your blog posts, as it’s not worth writing posts that no one will be able to see. Making sure that you optimize your pages and your posts will eventually result in lots of organic visitors if done correctly.

The initial SEO step to take is installing Yoast SEO. Yoast SEO plugin. The plugin will guide you through the process of optimizing your content when you write your blog posts. It will show you green lights for what you’re doing well and red/orange lights for things you could improve on.

Find out more about SEO by reading these articles:

11. Prevent Beginner Blogging Mistakes

Not least, you must ensure that you’re on an appropriate track! If you’re a novice blogger, it’s highly likely that you’ll make numerous mistakes.

How can you avoid making blogging mistakes? Learn from others who have had challenges and overcome these obstacles.

Here are a few blogs that outline mistakes in blogging that you need to be aware of:

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Common Blogging Mistakes

10 Common Blogging Mistakes You Must Avoid in 2022

Making a few common blogging mistakes as a beginner can be detrimental to your success as a publisher or blogger. While for many, blogging is a means of expression, to some, it can be categorized as a tip for blogging for beginners to earn money that can be made passively.

We all know that making money off your passion is much simpler. But there are many mistakes to be aware of when starting a blog in Nigeria.

Only passion can be the key to success, and as long as this fact is hard to accept, it’s still the truth.

Certain crucial aspects of blogging, such as a strong image, Web hosting themes, promotion, and so on, contribute a lot to determining the success of a blogging world.

But perseverance and hard work certainly play a significant and crucial aspect in how successful anyone is at blogging.

Therefore, when you start an online blog, there’s the chance that you’ll make several mistakes when you’re a brand-new blogger, and if they’re not appropriately corrected, it could end up ruining your blog’s career.

It’s possible that blogging is a highly time-consuming task that drains your brain. However, that isn’t a reason to stop people from performing well in it.

In this post on the blog, we’ll examine the top 10 common blogging mistakes bloggers make when they blog as a beginner.

10 Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid as a Blogger

Indeed, a website’s visitors are usually generated organically, which is the most effective method.

Also, internet users will never look for something using any search engine and will most likely choose your blog if it fits the subject entered in the search field.

The most important thing every blogger needs to know is that many bloggers compete to attract their readers. That’s why it’s crucial to avoid these typical or common blogging mistakes or errors at all costs.

I hope you become aware of these common blogging mistakes and avoid them on your blog journey.

See Also: How to start a blog in Nigeria

1. No Content Promotion Plan are common blogging mistakes

You may be wondering about what all the fuss about content promotion is about. Perhaps you are wondering why you have been promoting your content across various platforms when your content can generate viewers by itself.

Well, the reality is that no product is going to be popular if you do not put in the effort to make it known and then put it in front of your target readers.

It is highly recommended that you do not invest your entire time in creating content only but spend time advertising the content you make from a technical SEO audit. So you’ll be on the right side of success.

Thanks to social media platforms, there are numerous platforms where you can easily share tips for blogging for beginners as a blog post as well as any other kind of promotion for content such as infographics.

After the new content has been published, it’s a great idea to spread the word to every social media platform you believe is worthy of seeing. I’m confident that it’ll be worth it.

See Also: Blogging for beginners: Tips for Blogging for Beginners

2. No Social Sharing Buttons

These are typical blogging mistakes to avoid as a beginner. Sometimes, we do not pay focus on it.

You’re receiving regular visits to your website, and if you’d like to get your message out to more people, placing a share button on each page of your website is the most efficient method to do this.

Share buttons with a great call to action can boost the chance of receiving more social shares without needing to ask. If someone stumbles upon your content and likes it, they are likely to share it with their followers and friends.

However, not having a social shares button could prevent this from occurring. Share buttons make it simple for your visitors to share content with everyone.

Make sure that your share buttons are visible.

See Also: Learn How to do an In-Depth Technical SEO Audit in 9 Steps

3. The sexy side of Monetization

One of the primary reasons to have blogs is to earn money online. This is achieved after the blog has been turned into a monetization. Monetization of blog sites and greed should not be in tandem. Don’t be a selfish blogger. It is among the common blogging mistakes you must avoid in 2022.

Certain ads that aren’t required should not be displayed on your blog. Everyone is looking to make a profit. However, the quality of advertisements on your blog and your users’ experience must be the top priority.

Don’t think about posting sponsored posts on any item to earn instant money. Be careful not to devalue the quality of your blog due to the desire to make money.

Your readers may view your blog as a useless site solely to make money. You wouldn’t wish to see this happen to your blog, don’t you?

Be careful not to be too greedy and concentrate on creating quality content for your readers. Consider answering any questions that they are thinking of.

This is one of the reasons you blog but not the sole reason to earn money. The more value you can offer, the more visitors become a part of your blog and eventually trust you enough to buy the recommended products. It’s because you’ve been able to establish trust.

4. Inconsistency is the worst blogging mistake

Consistency is the key to the success of your blog. The importance of taking your blog seriously, remaining consistent regarding content post promotion, and delivering the best quality will undoubtedly result in success.

However, the opposite could bring your blog low, making it a bit irritable with the thought of stopping.

The best way to avoid these top blogging mistakes is to follow the content plan and then try publishing as often as possible. Keep your visitors informed to the point where they are compelled to visit your website frequently.

If you can do what you enjoy, it isn’t a matter of whether you publish one article every day, five times per week, or perhaps once weekly. It’s all about being conscientious about it.

It’s all about consistency, and remembering is essential. It’s not a reason to be discouraged when you’re not getting the results you thought you would. With a little bit more effort, keep your focus and keep going.

It requires consistency to establish credibility, expertise, and confidence as a blogger. Avoid these blogging mistakes at all costs.

See Also: 9 Creative Ways to Increase Brand Awareness (Ultimate Guide)

5. Not Implementing SEO Best Practices

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is a powerful method to place web pages higher on search engines for a particular search.

SEO shouldn’t be overlooked for the best quality traffic to your site. It’s been proven that SEO converts better than any other method you imagine. The most significant benefit is its free traffic, which is available free of charge.

While at the same time, being on the top webpage of search engine results requires time and effort. This is why many new bloggers attempt to do nothing about it and instead depend on social media and other methods to get traffic.

Start investing in SEO from the beginning to become an SEO Expert, especially if you do not wish to spend too much money on ads on social media to gain short-lived traffic.

See Also: How to become an SEO Expert

6. Faking as a Pro When You’re Not

It’s normal in our modern world that everyone wants to appear like a professional.

The new blogger should take the time to learn the various skills available in blogging but not appear like a professional for some weeks or even several months.

Don’t attempt to impart knowledge to others you aren’t already familiar with. Don’t join the crowd who follow the thought “fake it until you can make it.”

Most internet users are becoming more sophisticated and can quickly identify the distinction between genuine and fake individuals.

Your audience is more likely to travel with your journey as you grow into an expert. They’d like to know about your failures, struggles, strategies, and more.

There’s a chance that you’re not an expert. However, you must make content that is valuable in a way that readers can believe in you and what you have to say.

See Also: Top 15 Essential Digital Marketing Skills to Acquire in 2022

7. Blogging About What You’re Not Passionate About – Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

There’s something to be said about passion. It’s the thing that will keep you going after all hope has gone. Passion is a powerful feeling of enthusiasm for something.

When you begin blogging about what you love, You won’t get overwhelmed and annoyed as quickly as you are blogging as a beginner. Do not choose something because other people are interested in it or because you believe it is profitable; instead, focus on what you are truly obsessed with.

The passion will get you up late hours of the night to write; It’s that intense. Love is what drives you on roads that your strength may not be able to navigate.

If you’re not passionate about your blog’s topic, the blog could be forced to die slowly. Your blog’s dream could be dispersed amid the tens of thousands of online blogs.

It’s not your dream to have this be your story. Allow your passion to guide you and follow the strategies for avoiding blogging mistakes.

8. Improper Time Management and Blogging Schedule – Common Blogging Mistakes

You must be a great time manager to become a great blogger. A lack of time management is among beginner bloggers’ most common mistakes.

Plan your time, be mindful of it, and deliberate. As an example, since I’m writing this post about common blogging mistakes to stay clear of, my next article has been carefully planned.

That’s how I manage my time.

So, what can you do?

Create an Excel spreadsheet, and then add your blog’s titles and the date. You’ll be grateful that you made an effort.

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9. Giving Up So Fast

As an author, you need to maintain consistency with your posts. It may be difficult for the first few months, but you shouldn’t quit at a moment’s notice.

Do not be in a rush to succeed so fast. Be aware of your actions and be mindful of the process of learning.

Consistency can lead you to places your writing abilities won’t allow you to go. You may be proficient at writing; however, your inability to stay patient could be your weakness. Be goal-oriented and remain focused.

There may be a failure during your journey. However, what’s going to inspire you to persevere is dedication and determination. As simple as it sounds, it’s an incredible way to achieve success.

10. Writing Only For Search Engines

This is a typical blogging error that cannot be ignored. Many new bloggers believe they’ll be ranked high and receive more traffic if they blog for Google.

You may think that way; you’re not right. Search Engines are not going to be able to read your content. They’re simply a means of distributing information from one source or person to another.

As a blogger, you have to be able to express yourself naturally in your writing and create immediate connections with your readers.

With the latest central Web’s importance, users’ experience is now a more crucial ranking factor than ever.

Keep your readers in the back of your mind, not search engines.

Before we conclude the ten common blogging mistakes you must avoid in 2022, we want to consider who bloggers are and a few tips for blogging for beginners.

See Also: 5 Reasons Why People Are Afraid of Google SEO

What is blogging? Who are bloggers?

Are you a stay-at-home mother blogger offering parenting advice and sharing recipe ideas?

Are you a self-professed marketing expert who teaches people how to be millionaires?

Are you traveling through Europe with a tight budget and sharing your experiences with your family back home?

Are you rambling about your day-to-day life and what you had at dinner?

Are you instructing people on how to complete a basement?

All of this, and even more.

As per Dictionary.com, “Blog” can be described as “a website containing a writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.”

There’s more to it than this, but to simplify it, I’d define it as an independent information source frequently producing new information.

A Blogger is Someone With a Platform

Bloggers aren’t writing just to write. They’ve got a platform and an asset. Each time you click publish, you’re creating something new from the base, which is your blog.

In time, if you keep your commitment and consistency to your journey, you’ll build an audience and likely begin earning income from your blog.

Bloggers earn more than $100,000 monthly, sharing things they love and helping others. It’s incredible! Isn’t it?

Standard methods for monetizing include display advertising or promoting other’s products through affiliates, promoting other people’s products as an affiliate making your fan gear, selling your info products, and locating advertisers for the content you create.

A Blogger is Someone with a Legacy

I’ve heard a few friends have compared blogging to social media such as Facebook.

The same idea applies: you can easily share super helpful and informative content on your Facebook and then have people enjoy the content, like it, share it, and talk about it in the comments.

Blogging stands out because it’s always there, and the blog will not disappear in the “newsfeed.”

The article you wrote over three years ago on olubukolaagboola.com continues to be relevant and is getting hundreds of people reading it daily. It’s a timeless piece of content.

In reality, as I continue to host my website and the costs are paid, my readers will continue to read this even after I’ve gone.

Contrary to posts on social media, blogs are also read by search engines such as Google which means that you’re attracting millions and thousands of visitors, but with no chance of having something become viral through social media.

A Blogger is Someone With a Variety of Skills

While there are bloggers who write and do their thing but it’s generally more than that.

If you’re considering taking this on as a profession, you’ll discover a wealth of talents you’ll learn throughout your journey.

You’ll unlikely be an expert of the highest level in most of these subjects. However, you’ll be fine, I’m sure.

You’ll begin to learn how search engine optimization works, the fundamentals of online advertising, how to build and maintain websites, how to create basic web design, and many other fascinating things.

Bloggers are a master of all trades. They learn different digital marketing skills.


Blogging is a fascinating and rewarding career that anyone can pursue. Being equipped with the proper knowledge of skills, knowledge, and experience will allow you to stand out from your competitors. The common mistakes made by bloggers, when prevented, can lead to your blog’s success.

Be sure to avoid these mistakes when blogging as a beginner, and you’ll be guaranteed to earn more online as a blogger.

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Tips for blogging for beginners

Blogging for Beginners: Tips for Blogging for Beginners

Here are tips for blogging for beginners a step-by-step way to explain the basics of blogging, including how to begin to scale, expand, and promote and manage your blog’s website.

For beginners, blogging is a way to share your knowledge, thoughts or ideas, or it can be a means to earn an income from a passive source as a means of blogging income for beginners. Although it might appear as a simple matter of creating a blog using WordPress and then publishing content, there’s more to it.

Perhaps, given the increase in online competition, only a well-thought-out and well-planned strategy for blogging will yield success.

If you’re already investing your time and money by publishing top-quality blog content, It is a good idea to read this article that comprehensively describes how to create a blog for beginners and gives tips for blogging for beginners.

See Also: How to start a blog in Nigeria

Table of Contents

Blogging for Beginners: Tips for blogging for beginners

1. What is Exactly Blogging? All About Blogging for Beginners

Blogging can refer to photography, writing, and other types of media on the internet that are self-published.

A blog is a type of website that concentrates on written content. They are also referred to as blog posts.

We hear a lot about celebrities, food, and news blogs. However, you can create a successful blog on any topic. As long as know topics for blogging for beginners, you can begin to do blogging for beginners.

See Also: Top 15 Essential Digital Marketing Skills to Acquire in 2022

2. Is Making a Blog Free? How much does Blogging Cost?

Blogs aren’t for free. It takes time and funds to create an online blog.

If you want to host your site on your servers and with an individual domain, you can do it for less than $50 per year. Look through our guide to the top web hosting companies to select the best option for your site if you are a novice.

If you are also looking to earn money through your blog, you’ll need to invest time and money to succeed. You will also need to stop looking for where to start blogging for free. These are already golden nuggets, and tips for blogging for beginners.

3. How do Bloggers Get Paid? Blogging Income for Beginners

Two ways that bloggers are paid. Publishers pay ad networks per click or impression.

Paid per impression – when using these ads, bloggers receive payments when users click on advertisements on the website. This is no doubt a blogging income for beginners. Therefore, publishers pay advertisers according to the number of viewers who have seen their advertisements.

Pay per click – bloggers, earn money for each click performed on the advertisement. Advertisers pay owners of websites according to how many people can click on the advertisements. These are real tips for blogging for beginners and a means to learn how to create a blog for beginners

4. The Blogs that are the Most Profitable?

Beginning blogging is an easy task. But figuring out your blog’s niche or topics for blogging for beginners may be difficult.

All of these are profitable and well-known niches that can be great for starting at the beginning of your journey.

Below are blog niches or topics for blogging that earn the most?

  • Personal Finance
  • Business and Marketing
  • Technology and Gaming
  • Fashion
  • Lifestyle
  • Travel

5. On Which Topic I Should Start Blogging? Topics for blogging for beginners

Writing about a subject you are interested in or have experience in are recommended tips for blogging for beginners.

Establishing a niche for your blog to allow you to write content relevant to your area of expertise is important. Another aspect to consider when looking for blog topics is the popularity of the search engine and the competition for the content you create on these topics.

 You can conduct keyword research on topics and then create content on the most popular subjects. Creating contents that no one is searching for or reading is not worth it. Make sure that the content you create aligns with the web’s demand.

6. Can I Start a Blog with a token?

Based on your needs and the kind of niche website you would like to launch, the costs for your blog will range from $34.50 up to $65.40 to begin your blog and cover the costs in the initial year.

A blog’s creation doesn’t cost much. However, you must invest time and money to make a name for yourself as a blogger.

7. Can Anyone Become a Blogger?

The most straightforward answer is yes!

Beginning to blog is simple. Many new blogs are launched on the internet each day. Anyone can begin a blog in five minutes, but only a handful of people can create a successful blog. All you will need to do is to learn blogging for beginners, know where to start blogging, how much does blogging cost and learn the tips for blogging for beginners.

 It’s a great option to begin earning money through podcasting, blogging online classes, affiliate marketing subscriptions, SaaS, and more. If you’re 9 or 99years old, you can learn how to create a blog for beginners now.

8. What is a Blog Post?

A blog post is an article written for a blog website – just like the one you’re reading right now. While blogs differ from web-based sites, The frequency of updates is greater than that of a website.

Blog posts are also displayed in chronological order, with the most recent on the blog’s front page. You will need to know some tips for blogging for beginners so as to be able to figure many of these things out.

9. How do I Write My First Blog Post?

Without a blog post, there’s no blog. The key to a successful blog is its content in the shape of blog posts.

Here are some short guidelines on how to write your very first blog article:

  • Introduction: Start by Introducing Yourself.
  • Link Your Blog to Your All-Social Pages.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread!
  • Add Quality Images, Video, and Engaging Content.
  • Push for Comments and Feedback.
  • Don’t get caught in a Rush; Your first blog post is available only once!

10. How Can I Increase my Blog Traffic?

Beginning bloggers can find it challenging to get visitors to your site—particularly high-quality traffic.

With more than 7 million blog posts being published daily, getting visitors isn’t just a matter of publishing your blog post. It starts when you’re planning your blog post. These are tips for blogging for beginners you can use to increase traffic to your blog

Here are a few methods to boost the number of visitors to your blog’s traffic.

  • Promote using social media.
  • Integrate internal hyperlinks.
  • Write better titles.
  • Participate in forums and be active
  • Know your niche.
  • Include quality photos.
  • Incorporate keywords.
  • Build Backlinks
  • Add buttons for social sharing

11. What is Blog Example?

A great example of a blog is the one that you are reading. Olubukola Agboola website is a blogging platform for digital marketers providing tips, strategies and market trends that can help companies of any size and individuals.

It is possible to start blogs on any topic. But, it’s recommended to begin your blog about what you’re passionate about.

12. Is WordPress the Best Platform for Beginner Bloggers?

WordPress is a fantastic option if you’re looking for freedom, security, and total control over the future of your blog. Beginning to blog is now a lot simpler, thanks to WordPress. It is arguably the best platform for beginner bloggers. That is my opinion though and I believe I have a right to my opinion.

WordPress.org gives you full control over all aspects of your blog. Additionally, you can extend your blog with additional features such as forums, paid membership and even an online store.

Therefore, the flexibility makes WordPress the most flexible and best platform for beginner bloggers to earning money online.

See Also: Top 43 Lucrative Business Ideas In Nigeria To Start

13. What Makes a Good Blog?

In the overall plan of the universe, a great website frequently gives its readers excellent and entertaining information. Content that helps them live their lives offers value and encourages readers to keep an eye on the next post.

A good blog entices readers to tell their acquaintances about the content they’ve read.

To build a great blog, you must provide quality content regularly and tips for blogging for beginners if you are in the blogging niche.

14. Why Do Most Blogs Fail?

Content is still the king. Therefore, one of the reasons bloggers fails is because they’re not producing captivating, unique, and top-quality content. They don’t know all about blogging for beginners. They do not know how to create a blog for beginners.

With millions of pages of content available online, good content only needs to stay current. This means you can offer your customers useful information, tips, strategies, tools and techniques that aren’t available on the internet.

 If you’re a blogger new to the blogging world, paying attention to how you can improve the content quality is essential. Posts. It will keep your visitors returning and assist you in increasing your SEO ranking.

See Also: Learn How to do an In-depth Technical SEO Audit in 9 Steps

15. How To Learn Blogging For Beginnerss?

You can learn to blog if you have internet access and an internet-connected computer. There are many digital marketing experts which offer blog-related training. You can sign up for this type of training. Additionally, you can find information on YouTube from successful bloggers.

For beginners, blogging requires a lot of practice and patience to achieve the best results.

16. How Can I Monetize My Blog Fast?

Beginning bloggers can blog with the idea that, in time, it will turn into a steady income stream. There are many options to earn money from your blog, particularly with a large amount of monthly traffic on your website.

Here are a few ways you can monetize your blog, even if you’re an inexperienced blogger:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Sponsored Content
  • Create a Book
  • Offer Premium Content
  • Your blog can be transformed into an online membership site
  • Use a Blog to Sell Your Main Business
  • Get Paid for Writing Reviews.
  • Sell Ad Space Directly

See Also: Benefits of AI on Social Media Marketing

17. Is Blogging a Good Career Today?

Blogging isn’t just an outlet to communicate your thoughts and earn an income from passive sources; it can also be a way to advance your career. It’s a great career choice in the present and future for those who want to be free from the 9-5 grind and earns money from it.

You can begin your blog on a full-time basis. Many bloggers are thrilled they made this choice some time ago. As tips for blogging for beginners, you can learn blogging for beginners and know how to create a profitable blog for beginners

18. How Long Does it Take for Your Blog to Get Noticed?

Tips for blogging for beginners

When can I start a blog is often a question asked by beginners? If you’re beginning to blog, you will likely find that your blog’s domain is new. The time of the domain and the authority of your domain are significant ranking factors.

Search engines like Google typically prefer older websites with a strong reputation. As a guideline, it’s best to wait about 6 months before you begin seeing results from the search engines.

In the meantime, while you wait for your blog to be indexed by Search Engine Result Pages (SERP), It is important to continue publishing high-quality content.

See Also: The Three Pillars of Search Engine Optimization Success Factors

19. How Much Money Can You Make from a Blog?

It’s simple to earn an extra passive income between $500 and $2,000 per month by blogging as you begin the first year of your blog. In the next year, you’ll be able to significantly increase the amount of money you earn from your blog monthly.

 Glassdoor states that the median blogger’s salary is greater than $50,893 annually from anonymously submitted salary estimates.

As a full-time blogger, you can earn over 100,000 dollars a year and work between 10 and 30 hours a week.

Bloggers also earn millions of dollars through blogging every year and work only 10 or fewer hours every week (wouldn’t it be great to have a job!). This is an incredible return on the time you invest.

20. What Makes a Successful Blogger?

The successful bloggers all have something in come: They all become an SEO expert. They were able to create blogs that have unique and high-quality blog posts with unique and quality contents.

They were able to create an engaging community around their blogs. They were able to create communities that are engaging around them.

They have multiple methods to earn money. They have their products but also earn money from advertising and affiliate programs—ad networks such as AdSense, Ezoic, Mediavine and more.

They continued to blog for a long time until they could completely commercialize their blog.

The ability to bring traffic to their website, especially SEO.

21. How do I Optimize My Blog for SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will assist you in organically bringing more visitors to your site. If it is implemented correctly, it will allow your blog to be more prominent on the Google result pages (SERP). There are many strategies you can employ to enhance your blog’s SEO.

Here are our best SEO blog post techniques to improve your blog’s visibility and thus drive more people to your blog.

  • Create catchy blog post titles to increase the click-through rate (CTR).
  • Increase internal linkage.
  • Make your blog simple to read.
  • Be sure to use the appropriate titles for your headings and subheadings.
  • Create original and high-quality content that is unique and high-quality.
  • Use Search Console and Google Analytics to understand your content’s results better.

See Also: How to Use Google Search Console in 2022


Congratulations! You’ve gathered the necessary information about blogging for beginners – Tips for blogging for beginners. It is time to register the domain name, web address, hosting space, set up your blog, and begin posting articles.

It is essential to constantly scrutinize every post you create on your blog to find the type of content that appeals to your viewers. They are the ones that you have created your content for in the first place.