How to start a blog in Nigeria - Olubukola Agboola

How to start a blog in Nigeria

Are you looking to learn how to start a blog in Nigeria and earn income? You are nearing the perfect way to begin a successful blog in Nigeria that earns money.

Beginning your own blog in Nigeria may not be as hard as you believe. Today, anyone can begin and build a profitable blog from their own home.

You could begin a profitable business through your blog and earn cash right away.

It sounds interesting, right?

In the past, hard codes were employed to create a website or blog. This isn’t the case anymore. This article will help you discover how to create a successful blogging website in Nigeria.

Let’s take a deeper dive…

With the advent of content management systems(CMS) specifically and specifically designed for the creation of blogs, creating your own blog in Nigeria is more simple than ever before.

The most well-known and popular CMS to begin your blog will be and Google’s blogger.

The blogging platform lets you enjoy life on your own terms. This is one of the great things about blogging.

You are your own boss. You are able to work from anywhere in the world, and on your own time. What’s not to love?

I’m sure that you’ll want to be the boss of your life.

Table of Contents

Types of Professional Bloggers

There are two kinds of professional bloggers available:

  • People who earn money from their blog
  • People who write blogs or content for companies or businesses

The blog you have created is an incredibly lucrative and legitimate business opportunity that can earn an enormous amount of money in Nigeria. However, it’s definitely not one of those “overnight success schemes”.

It takes time and energy.

Consistency is essential to running a successful blogging company in Nigeria or any other part of the globe. As you’re aware, it’s not just about launching the blog, but also keeping it up and running, as well as interesting. Naturally, it takes dedication to a high degree.

We’re not saying that you’ll earn millions of dollars right away If you stick to these strategies you’ll begin making income in the next few months with your blog.

As you advance you’ll get better and will definitely earn more money.

Do you want to learn the fundamentals of Niche Blogging: How to start and grow a profitable niche blog banking $1000 monthly?? Sign up to the Fundamentals of Niche Blogging here and learn how to build an online blog that earns more than $1000 Monthly.

Here are the steps you need to follow to begin an online blog that will be successful and fulfil your idea in Nigeria.

10 Easy Steps to Start a Profitable Blog in Nigeria

  1. Select a subject/niche for your blog
  2. Decide your blog name
  3. Acquire a Domain Name and Hosting for Your Blog
  4. Install WordPress
  5. You can enable some essential WordPress settings
  6. Install a Good Theme For Your WordPress Blog
  7. Install the most important plugins to your blog.
  8. Create your first blog post
  9. Start making money from your blog
  10. Be determined to improve every day.

Let’s look at the fullness of each of the steps needed to start a profitable website in Nigeria:

1. Select a Subject/Niche For Your Blog

The initial and crucial stage in creating your blog. A niche is the subject the blog’s content will focus on that is of interest to a particular and distinct readership.

For example, if a person writes about his day-to-day activities, such as the food items he consumes and the places he has visited and the clothes he enjoys or wears, etc, this could be referred to as a lifestyle blog.

Additionally, if a person blogs on Technology or reviews products that are tech-related on his blog, it will be referred to as a tech blog.

What factors should affect the selection of your blog’s topic as an inexperienced blogger looking to create a blog?

a. Start a Blog in Your Area of Passion when learning how to start a blog in Nigeria

Perhaps, choosing a topic is the most crucial aspect you need to think about when you are creating your blog or learning how to start a blog in Nigeria.

It is advisable to opt for a subject area in which you are an expert or a specialist. But, to ensure long-term sustainability, you should start your blog to choose what you love to do.

If you pick something you’re not excited about, you’ll soon lose interest and stop earlier than you imagine.

One of the best motivations for a blogger is to write about the things you love to do. This will help you be consistent with the things you love most.

b. Select a niche that has Commercial Intent

The goal of every blog is to earn money, isn’t it? It should always be on your head when writing the content for your blog. A commercial perspective will allow you to begin a blog that can bring in daily revenue.

A commercial-focused niche is a term used to describe a niche that can generate income on the site.

It is important to determine the niches with commercial potential and select your preferred ones. Take a careful look at yourself and determine whether you’re passionate about writing about that particular subject.

Also, consider whether there are enough products that you could actually market by becoming an affiliate for this particular niche. It is important to conduct an analysis of the competition and develop potential earnings in that particular niche.

Then, choose a niche for your blog with numerous revenue streams. That is how to start a blog in Nigeria properlyThis is a method for starting a blog that will earn a profit.

c. Create a blog to solve an issue or entertains

Before you begin blogging, you must be extremely attentive and opt for a topic that’s highly sought-after.

Imagine, for instance, starting your blog, and then it sits inactive for months when at first you were producing content on a regular basis to inform your people.

To avoid this situation, you must blog about subjects and topics that people are searching for. This is among the essential things to be able to do before you can start your own blog and earn cash through the web by learning how to start a blog in Nigeria.

Some of the fields that are extremely lucrative include the fields of health, entertainment technology and cash (marketing) and business, and many more.

2. Decide Your Blog Name

The next step on how to start a blog in Nigeria is to begin your blog. Your blog’s name is the domain name for your blog or your web address.


Here are some tips for coming to the perfect title for the blog you want to create.

  • You can come up with the name of a shorter form that is relatively simple to remember.
  • The name you’ve picked must be distinctive to your blog.
  • The name should reflect your industry. For instance, if my blog falls under the tech sector I’ll pick names such as or a name similar to it.
  • The name of your blog should include the keywords of your area of expertise.
  • The name of your blog shouldn’t extend past 12 letters. This will help you get an easier name that’s unique, too. For instance: Techworld is exactly 9 characters long and very simple to remember.
  • Check whether the domain is present on social media, and additionally verify for availability on domain names.


  1. Simply go to to make the procedure easier for you.
  2. If you’re having difficulty finding a name for your blog, then visit On this website, you’ll type in the keyword you’d like to use for your blog’s name. It’ll provide you with a variety of names you could use as the name of your blog.
  3. It’s not that simple?
  4. Once you’ve got a unique domain name through on your website, utilize to see whether the domain name, as well as the social media handle, are listed for the name, or not.

3 Acquire a Domain Name and Hosting for Your Blog

A great domain name and hosting accounts are two essential elements for your website.

If you pick a humorous domain name, the visitors to your blog will have a tough finding their domain’s name or maybe even the name of your business. Learn how to start a blog in Nigeria properly by acquiring a great domain name and host.

You may be wondering what exactly a domain is? The term “domain name” is the URL that links you to your website.

For instance is the address of my blog. You can simply type in the address to go to my blog.

It’s true that olubukolaagboola is my domain name. The .com behind my blog’s name is the TLD (Top-level domain) domain extension.

Important note: when starting your blog, you should consider using your .com extension for your domain name since it is used widely and is 100% reliable around the world.

Web Hosting is an online platform that offers storage capacity on servers to websites to store the files.

If someone types in your domain’s name into the search bar on the browser of their choice the website will send an automatic request to your hosting server to access the blog’s files.

Once this is completed, it’s the only time that your blog becomes read by the readers.

That’s right, select the best hosting service that’s reliable enough. We prefer using Namecheap Hosting because it’s among the most reliable web hosting providers I’ve used to start blogs.

Namecheap’s performance is exceptional and that’s why we recommend it to beginners.

Get your own domain right here.

4. Install WordPress: How to start a blog in Nigeria

If you’ve got an email address and domain The second step will be to set up WordPress on your domain and begin making your blog on how to start a blog in Nigeria.

You may be thinking why it should be WordPress you ask? WordPress is among the most popular blogging platforms that you can imagine.

It might be interesting to know that over 455 million sites are using WordPress to publish blogs and other functions around the globe.

How to Install WordPress on Namecheap Cpanel

  1. Log in with your Namecheap cPanel.
  2. Click on the Softaculous Application Installer icon.
  3. Tap on the WordPress icon.
  4. Click the Install tab to continue.
  5. In this section, you’ll be required to enter the information for the details of WordPress installation.
    • Choose the domain and enter the domain that you would like to set up WordPress on.
    • Indicate the root folder to be used to install. This is the directory field is by default empty, which in that way, it informs WordPress that your site is constructed on WordPress like, for example, You may also decide to move it into an additional folder if you wish solely your blog’s power to come from WordPress for example,, and then type “blog” in the directory field.
    • Leave Database name as default.
    • The default wp_ table prefix could be the same, however, to ensure security it is suggested to use a unique name such as the wpwebsitename_.
    • Input your Site Settings (this can be changed at any point).
  6. Then, press Install once you’re done.

Thank you, the most important procedure has been completed to create your blog. By clicking on the domain name, you will be able to determine if your blog is up and running or not.

5. Enable Some Basic WordPress Settings when learning how to start a blog in Nigeria

Reconnect to your WordPress dashboard and make some of the most important settings when learning how to start a blog in Nigeria.

  • Create the blog’s permalink structure. This is the address for your blog’s posts, where readers can go to read and visit your blog articles.
  • Create user profiles for your users.
  • Remove all unnecessary plugins Pages, posts, and posts
  • Set your WordPress titles and tags in the setting.

Go to settings>General>Enter your site title and tagline and save changes.

6. Install a Good Theme For Your WordPress Blog

The choice of a great theme is crucial to your WordPress blog as the theme plays a crucial part in the interface of users and the overall design and appearance of your blog. This is very essential when learning how to start a blog in Nigeria and make profit from blogging

There are many themes that are free as well as paid to use for WordPress blogs however, our top choice is Generatepress. Generatepress template.

Here are some other subjects we suggest:

  • Phlox Theme
  • Elegant Themes
  • Studiopress Genesis Framework themes, etc.

7. Install Essential Plugins for Your Blog

Plugins aid in expanding and controlling the performance of your WordPress websites. Below are a few plugins that every blogger or site owner must have on their site after installing WordPress.

8. Write Your First Blog Post

After you’ve finished making your blog, you’re now ready to begin writing your amazing blog articles for all the world to read.

Log in to the WordPress dashboard and begin creating your blog post. The focus should be on making content that is valuable to your customers, even at the first stage.

How to drive traffic to your blog post

  • Implement, learn SEO, and master it
  • Get traffic from social media
  • Traffic generated by paid ads
  • Participate in active contributions to blogs that are in the same niche.
  • Get visitors from social bookmarking platforms

Traffic generation should be a constant at the forefront of your thoughts because blogs that are traffic-generating are those that generate income. Thus, concentrate on creating traffic to your blog rather and not just creating new content every day.


Make use of the Grammarly chrome extension while creating your blog posts. It’ll identify all the mistakes you’ve made in spelling. You are able to edit at a later time.

9. Earn Money with the Blog you have created in Nigeria

This will be the most fascinating part: how to earn money through your blog. Everyone wants to earn money blogging, but it is not easy.

If you’re not making money through your blog it is possible that you aren’t very serious about it which could be quite annoying.

Here’s how to make money from your blog and earn money from blogging in Nigeria.

  • Freelancing (SEO writing, content writing and design)
  • Blogging
  • Marketing through affiliates
  • AdSense
  • Ezoic
  • Paid Webinar
  • Selling Ebooks
  • Online course sales
  • Sell advertising space on your website to owners of businesses.

Important: If your blog doesn’t have original content, your site can’t bring in the money you’re looking for.

10. Strive to Get Better Everyday

For a newbie blogger, it’s important to expand your knowledge of blogging. Take a look at the most successful blogs in Nigeria today. They began out as not completely perfect.

There is no need to be an expert blogger to create your own blog from Nigeria. Study what the top blogs around the globe are doing now what kind of content they’re producing and the methods they use to create this content.

Try to make it better on your blog. In time you will see your blog’s traffic will go from a hundred to thousands, and you’ll get better at producing quality content.

Top 10 Most Profitable Blog Niches

Here are the top profitable and lucrative blog niches you can begin blogging on right now.

  • Personal finances
  • Education
  • Food
  • Pet
  • Business & Marketing
  • Travel
  • Parenting
  • DIY Blogs
  • Health and Wellness
  • Making Money Online

FAQs on How to Start a Blog in Nigeria

How do I Make Money as a Beginner Blogger?

Many bloggers who are new earn money from affiliate marketing. This is the most efficient method to earn money for a blogger who is just beginning their journey.

How to start a Blog in Nigeria for Free and Make Money?

You can certainly create your own blog in Nigeria without cost, using the help of smaller blogging platforms such as Wix, Blogger etc.

However, the problem here is that the majority of websites are designed for small blogs, and you may need to change to WordPress. This is why I’ll suggest you begin using WordPress to avoid problems that arise from changing later.

Should I use WordPress or Blogger for my Blog?

If you think that one is easy to learn take a shot at it. The main aspect is to produce high-quality content and make sure you are monetizing your blog.

How Can I Write a Blog Post?

Start blogging in Nigeria with consistent practice. Don’t be afraid of failing. But, if your goal is to build a team by using the blog you have created, then you may recruit content writers to aid with the writing of your blog.

How Much Does a Blogger Earn in Nigeria?

As an experienced blogger in Nigeria, You can earn up to $2,000,000 from Nigeria. There’s no limit to how much you could earn as a blogger within Nigeria.

What is the price it cost to start an online blog for Nigeria?

The estimated total cost for the start of your blog in Nigeria costs less than $100. After you have secured the domain and hosting services and you have your content prepared and your blog is ready to start.

See Also: How to Use Google Search Console


As you’ve discovered how to set up an effective blog in Nigeria now is the time to get blogging. Don’t delay any longer.

It’s not as hard as you imagine to create an effective blog in Nigeria.

Begin your blog today create important content and then publish it to the world. You may be amazed to learn how many readers are eagerly waiting to read about you. Start now and gain knowledge along the way.